What would you do if chemotherapy completely changed the way you looked? It’s very easy to dismiss “beauty” as frivolous, but on a grand level, my work is not really about beauty at all. It is all about identity and confidence. There is a strong connection between your physical appearance and the way you feel inside, and I want all of my clients to feel like the best version of themselves.

I was deeply touched by this this real client story with my Platinum Long Lash and skincare products. This beautiful client experienced profound hair loss and skin texture changes due to chemotherapy. Her health was obviously her main concern, but once she recovered, she did not feel like the woman she once was. The act of restoring little things - long eyelashes, smooth skin, supple lips - was the final stage in her journey.
I am so honored to have helped this real client restore her with my Platinum Long Lash, Platinum Lip Plump, Anti-Aging Essentials, and Microdermabrasion Scrub. I am so incredibly grateful that she chose to share her story and images, and to me, this is the deeper meaning of beauty. Xx Dr. Lara