Dr. Lara Devgan was recently quoted in an article titled “Sculpting the male jawline: Chin and neck contouring 101” in the online publication Connect published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Dr. Devgan wants to set the record straight that plastic surgery is not just for women. In fact, a lot of procedures can help men regain their confidence.
"It's a tired misconception that plastic surgery is a domain for women," said Lara Devgan, MD, MPH, FACS.
You may ask yourself, what treatment options are there for men in terms of their chin and neck. The article describes a few of the major options in both surgical and nonsurgical procedures. These include chin augmentation, neck liposuction, neck lift and dermal fillers. The recovery time and invasiveness vary between these. These procedures can help to target imperfections in males and make them look and feel great.
Males often target their jawline for these various procedures. As men age, many start to see double chins, loose skin and jowls. These procedures can pinpoint targeted issues and help create the appearance of a strong and masculine jawline.

"If you can picture Henry Cavill or a young Brad Pitt, an attractive, vigorous, youthful male face has strength in the lower third and a little bit of a squareness and a little bit of a masculine bone structure," said Devgan.
"A lot of them, in addition to having some excess tissue, also have some degree of bone structural weakness in the jawline and the chin projection," said Devgan.
Of course, not every procedure is the right fit for everyone. In order to achieve the best results for your unique anatomical build, consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Lara Devgan offers global facial optimization to subtly enhance your features and help you reach your beauty goals. Focusing on tiny millimeter-level changes, Dr. Devgan will help enhance your global facial beauty without changing the feeling of facial identity. Sometimes the smallest changes make the biggest impact, because “beauty is in the details”.
Make an appointment for a surgical or nonsurgical consultation with Dr. Lara Devgan here.
Dr. Lara Devgan, MD, MPH, FACS, is a top board-certified New York City plastic surgeon and the founder and CEO of luxury medical-grade skincare line Dr. Devgan Scientific Beauty. She is an international lecturer, a renowned industry consultant, a classically trained artist, and an expert in plastic surgery and injectables for the face, breasts, and body. She is the former Chief Medical Officer of RealSelf. She lives with her husband and 6 young children on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Read the full article on plasticsurgery.org.