“Incorporating a retinol-based product into your skincare regimen is crucial for healthy skin. People are hesitant to try retinol because they hear about the side effects such as redness, peeling, and dryness. Although these side effects may occur during initial use, the long-term results are worth it. I am here to break down my best-selling Retinol+Bakuchiol Serum. Xx Dr. Lara.”
What is Retinol?
Retinol is a vitamin A derivative that has been popular since the early 1970s when a dermatologist from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Kligman discovered retinoic acid's incredible skin resurfacing properties.
How Does it Work?
Retinol Serums work by metabolizing the skin cells and resurfacing the skin.
My Retinol+Bakuchiol Serum
My Retinol+Bakuchiol Serum is a unique blend of retinol and red wine derivative bakuchiol. This antioxidant rich ingredient soothes the skin of the harsh effects of retinol. These two ingredients combined lead to incredible results such as improved texture, signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, and scarring.
Which Concentration is Right For Me?
• 2.5x: This is my gentlest concentration that is designed for sensitive skin and those who have never used retinol.
• 5x: My moderate concentration which is suitable for those who have tolerated retinol in the past, or those with oily skin.
• 10x: This is my micro-peel concentration which should only be used 4-7 days out of the month. This is great for anyone looking for a chemical peel, and it will leave the skin baby-soft.
How to Use My Retinol+Bakuchiol Serum
I recommend applying my Retinol+Bakuchiol Serum every 2 days, and gradually build up to daily use as the skin acclimates to the product.